Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Second Life Exploration

After creating a Second Life account, I encountered a classmate (Joe Levy - "Jodoglevy Xenobuilder") in the Duke ISIS oasis. I friended him and together we explored the Duke ISIS oasis and learned specific features of the game, including how to make the avatar perform gestures, how to fly, and how to communicate. The oasis itself is a strange place with many random objects...nonetheless, i found it to be an interesting place, especially the Coach K court that was almost an exact replica (however, I couldn't actually get on the court - no access).
After parting ways with Jodoglevy Xenobuilder, I decided to search New York City under the location search. I teleported my avatar to the Statue of Liberty. I was extremely impressed by the level of detail gone into making the Statue and even some parts of Manhattan...(thinking back to the Shirky speech...there seems to be a huge surplus of time..imagine if it went towards something more useful..). Anyway, while exploring the city, I discovered that I could hop into a random person's car without their permission. The person who was driving the car seemed annoyed after a while and tried to avoid me. However, he started talking to me and ended up giving me a car for no reason!..Though, I have yet to figure out how to actually pull out the car. I decided to keep following this guy and eventually his avatar took out a machine gun and started shooting - nothing happened to my avatar though. The SLURL for this place is
I also ended up going to some racetrack. It seemed like an interesting, well-designed place, even though no one else was there at the same time I was. I right clicked on a car and selected "LETS RACE!" This option let me in the driver's seat of the car but I could not figure out how to actually move it. I assume you need another person racing against you in order to be able to drive the car. The SLURL of this racetrack is
Overall, Second Life seemed like an interesting virtual world, even though I could not figure out how to do much while I was there.

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