Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Google Earth + Virtual World = ?

In my mind, Google Earth is one of the greatest programs ever created. It fulfills the vision of a metaverse in the sense that you can actually travel to any place on the globe and look at comprehensive two dimensional snapshots or pictures (taken from satellites). Furthermore, there are also features in Google Earth that are 3D, such as various, usually famous, buildings and the terrain of the earth. Google Earth also allows users to interact through many features, including "Gallery," which combines things like Google News and the NY Times with the actual globe the user is looking at. In addition, I believe that it is also possible for users to tag places around the world, which become visible to all other users.
If Google Earth were combined with a virtual world program, it would become the ultimate metaverse in the sense that users would be interacting in a virtual place that actually resembled real places in the world. The possibilities of this type of combination are endless and may be the future of virtual worlds. It seems that if this were done, the virtual world would be, in many ways, more relevant (to everyday people). Further, because of this, the visions of many people, including Walden (who talks about advertising), could be fulfilled.

1 comment:

  1. I love the layering too. I think the mashups are the future of this or any kind of internet-based tool. The same thing that we have seen happening on the Web, with the interaction of disparate sites and data with each other, is also happening in other interfaces as well.
