Sunday, April 12, 2009

Hippo Technologies

Recently, while playing Second Life, I visited a store called Hippo Technologies (the slurl is: Upon visiting the store for the first time, I was intrigued by the architecture of the building, which was covered with black glass and a logo for the store. Hippo Technologies is a very complex business in that it offers a variety of quite advanced services and products. For example, some of the services they sell are home security services and delivery services. It seems rather ridiculous that one would need home security in Second Life, but there must be some kind of demand for it considering the store was packed with avatars. Furthermore, their delivery service seems realistic; for example, if a person, for some reason, is unable to pick up something he purchased, or if the person's computer crashes, Hippo Technologies will pick up the product you purchased and deliver it to your inventory. This business also sells products, such as various scripts that sell for hundreds of Linden dollars.

This business is very different than most other businesses that I saw in that it is very, very complicated. The services and products that it sells is certainly not for the average Second Life player. Though the business does not attract these type of players, there is no doubt that there will always be customers in the store because it caters to a more advanced Second Life audience that spends a large amount of resources on the game.

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